• Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Poradnik handlu na platformie Binance Futures

Jest to mechanizm, który może być bardzo przydatny przy układaniu strategii handlowej oraz stosowania szerokiej dywersyfikacji. Wadą jest nadmierne ryzyko, które może doprowadzić do utraty środków. Twoje całkowite zadłużenie, to…

Как использовать побарный анализ в трейдинге Часть 1

Мы видим медленное наращивание ликвидности, а значит, увеличивается временной интервал этого периода, а актив консолидируется в узком коридоре. Этот коридор (флэт) показывает ложные пробои, у которых есть периодичность, поэтому он…

Робота: marketing manager Вакансії і робота в Україні

Wintering with Horses

Just as the summer months bring fly spray, bathing, sunscreen, and heat protection, the winter months bring their own special care requirements for our horses. Fortunately, preparing for winter can…

Do Dogs Dream?

Whether or not dogs dream isn’t known with scientific certainty, but it sure is difficult to imagine that they don’t. We’ve all watched our dogs demonstrate behaviors in their sleep that resemble what they…

5 “Silent” Killers of Cats

When it comes to caring for your cat, I have a few simple recommendations: Maintain a safe environment (keep him indoors) Feed a high quality food (e.g., a meat-based protein) Think about…

Cardiff – the seaside Welsh capital

Thousands of people visit Cardiff every weekend: from the 27,000 green-fingered hoard which headed for the recent Royal Horticultural Society’s show to international rugby and music fans bound for the…

Walking Holiday in the Basque Country

The Basques are a mystical people of small numbers with obscure origins, a painful, bloody history and an ancient tongue (Euskera) which bears no relation to any other language on…

Paratha Calzone Recipe

Paratha Calzone is an interesting Fusion recipe that you can prepare for your family and friends easily at home. This is a snack recipe that can be made for any…

Ten Reasons To Visit The Sahara Desert

1. The beauty and tranquillity …of the Sahara is unsurpassed, and the scale and sight of a clear 360° horizon is awesome. The landscape changes constantly and is anything but…